Kelly Kovacs


Kelly was the EA to the CEO of Twitter before being promoted to the company’s Chief of Staff. She helped steward the company from its initial growth all the way through IPO. After leaving the company, she rejoined her bosses Dick Costolo and Adam Bain as a Founding Partner at their venture firm, 01 Advisors. Today, Kelly spends most of her time advising the firm’s 50+ technology companies.

After almost a decade as a C-Suite Executive Assistant + Chief of Staff, Kelly realized there was a black hole of information for assistants. She founded EA Mafia first and foremost to connect C-Suite EAs in tech to one another to share best practices, resources, and learn from one another. That vision has expanded to EA Rise to serve as a platform for assistants under the C-Suite to define where their learning gaps may be and find the resources they need to uplevel their career.

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